Ultimate Oscar Party in Los Angeles
One of the best things about living in Los Angeles is the feeling that we are all part of the Academy Awards…even if we’re just watching from our living room. Here are my Best Picture themed suggestions for your ultimate Oscar party in Los Angeles. Don’t blame me though for one of the least food related film selections on record for 2016.
The Big Short
Pick up some fresh seafood stew from Chunju Han-il Kwan in Koreantown reminiscent of Anthony Bordain’s cameo in The Big Short. Your guests will never forget the definition of a CDO.
Although technically there was no pizza featured in the movie Brooklyn, you can have your whole party catered by a food truck called Made in Brooklyn! Or just pick up a few personal pies at Mozza2Go 🙂
Mad Max: Fury Road
Pick up some salads from Tender Greens to have some hydroponic vegetables ala Mad Max: Fury Road style!
The Martian
Wow your guests with your culinary skills and whip up some traditional baked potatoes with a side of ketchup from The Martian
The Revenant
Unless you’re ready to unleash your inner beast and chow down some raw bison like Leo in The Revenant, I would stick to the cooked version and order some bison burgers from The Counter. Plus they will go great with your baked potatoes 🙂
Too lazy for any of the above…just go with what really counts!
No Oscar Party in Los Angeles would be complete without handcrafted Little Gold Men from Valerie Confections Silverlake shop.
And the champagne of choice for this year’s Academy Awards, Piper-Heidsieck
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