Feeling Stuck? An Evening with Eckhart Tolle in Los Angeles Can Help
The first time I listened to the words of German author and philosopher Eckhart Tolle, I was a first-time mom folding laundry in my garage, fresh off a decision not to return to my 9 to 5 job following maternity leave. While I did not doubt that I had made the right decision to stay home with my son full-time, I had no idea how to define my life without the kind of accomplishments that society deemed acceptable: struggles at work, promotions, and a salary! I don’t quite remember how I stumbled upon The Power of Now audiobook, but as that heavily accented voice described his own story of giving up a PhD program at 29 to pursue a different kind of life, I felt like I wasn’t alone. Slowly, I began to find deeper meaning in the traditionally mundane tasks that play on a loop in those early child-rearing days, and a state of happiness emerged from the exploration of the present moment instead of always looking forward to the next thing to validate and fulfill me: turns out we are all perfectly fulfilled in this exact moment. If you need a reminder of your glory, here’s how an Evening with Eckhart Tolle in Los Angeles can help.
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Who is Eckhart Tolle?
Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher from Lünen, Germany, who had a spiritual awakening while attending Cambridge University in 1977 after struggling with depression and overwhelm. After coming to the realization that he was not his thoughts, he was able to overcome and witness them. He spent those next few years observing life and living in the present moment, much to the dismay of everyone who knew him. Imagine giving up a degree in Latin American literature from an esteemed university to just sit on park benches with a smile on your face?
Eventually, those around him saw that he seemed highly fulfilled, and they began to pay attention. He started working as a counselor and, by 1997, had published his first book, The Power of Now. In the year 2000, Oprah Winfrey got a copy, and the rest is history. Other books by Tolle include A New Earth and Stillness Speaks. If your interest is piqued, be sure to check out his website.

An Evening with Eckhart Tolle in Los Angeles
Eckhart Tolle will be the first person to tell you that you don’t need Eckhart Tolle :). All the spiritual tools you need are already inside of you. That being said, sometimes it’s nice to be reminded of how to use what we’ve already been given.
The tour, An Evening with Eckhart Tolle, will be at The Peacock Theater in Downtown Los Angeles on Friday, April 4th, at 7 p.m. The theater is located on the L.A. Live Campus next to The Crypto.com Arena.
This kind of event brings the books to life, and Tolle is known for a warmth and humor that will have you levitating out of the theater.
Tickets are available now and begin at $67. If you’re on the fence about taking a chance on something new, remember, “The only thing you ever have is now.”