Need an idea for mother’s day?…Cook her a meal she’ll never forget

I’m not the savviest in the kitchen, but with the help of Suppersack  anyone can fake it and unleash the domestic diva (or divo) inside!! Suppersack is a service that brings all the ingredients to your door so you can prepare 3 nights of gourmet 

Think you are a vodka expert? There’s a symposium for that!

The Tasting Panel Magazine  is hosting its Second Annual Vodka Symposium on Wednesday May 8th and for only $75 dollars you can rub elbows with the influencers. The event is being held from 7-10:30 PM at Nic’s Beverly Hills , home of the VodBox ! 

National Hot Butterered Rum Day–oh yeah this is a thing!

National Hot Buttered Rum Day…the drink to keep you warm on those cold LA Nights in January. Where to Find it in Los Angeles Might I suggest a hot buttered rum cocktail today created by expert mixologist Ryan Wainwright of The Tasting Kitchen in Venice! 

Industriel: Urban Farm Cuisine

What is Urban Farm Cuisine you ask? Well Industriel in Downtown Los Angeles describes it as the food your grandmother would make in her house in Provence…if you grandmother had tattoo sleeves. EatDrinkLA describes it as organic, all in house, freshly made hipster food! Saturday 

Cyber Monday Treats-good enough to Eat

Cyber Monday Treats-good enough to Eat

If you didn’t get enough shopping done on Grey Thursday, or Black Friday, then luckily for you we have Cyber Monday—which is apparently a day without color 🙂 Here are a few sites I consider click-worthy if you want to give some gifts this holiday 

It’s not brunch without a toppings bar!

This past weekend I enjoyed a blissful trip to Seattle, Washington and made a stop at the Portage Bay Café where I learned that it’s really not brunch without a visit to a toppings bar. This restaurant is so popular that even with a reservation