The Latest Eats

The Lonely Oyster is about to get a lot more friends

The Lonely Oyster is about to get a lot more friends

The Lonely Oyster in Echo Park is one of those impossibly cool restaurants that doesn’t need to do too much to be remarkable. The door on Echo Park Blvd is unassuming, save for the signage when you look up into the California sky and spot 

This is the best thing on Uber Eats in Glendale right now

This is the best thing on Uber Eats in Glendale right now

It’s not often that you’ll find a restaurant written up by The New York Times on Uber Eats. Even less common is you find an extremely popular restaurant known for its difficulty in getting in there because of limited hours. This is the best thing 

How to Stay Connected to the L.A. Food Scene

How to Stay Connected to the L.A. Food Scene

You’re going to blink 15 to 20 times in the next minute, and that’s probably how many new restaurants open up every month. So how can you keep track of the L.A. food scene when there’s always something new in your line of vision? Find 

Here’s how to get a Gourmet Burger for just $4.40

Here’s how to get a Gourmet Burger for just $4.40

Do you need a weekday pick-me-up? Treat yourself to lunch on Thursday, August 25th, 2022, and get a Gourmet Burger for just $4.40! That’s less than the price of a Big Mac, and you don’t need to eat in your car! The details are below. 

Need a break from Alcohol? Try This Instead…

Need a break from Alcohol? Try This Instead…

Do you have a nightly wine habit that you’d like to take a break from? Or maybe you’d just like a refreshing beverage that isn’t alcohol to pair with your meal. Leave it to a critically acclaimed wine writer to create a fantastic beverage that 

Today is the last day for Scheduled Outdoor Watering in Glendale

Today is the last day for Scheduled Outdoor Watering in Glendale

There are new Glendale water restrictions coming on Tuesday, September 6th, and this time it’s aimed at outdoor watering. Are you prepared? I talked to a representative from Glendale Water and Power and got the details you need to know so you won’t be left