This is the Easiest Way to Eat Healthier in 2024
As we near the end of 2023 and start imagining the blank canvas before us, many of the same resolutions begin to flood the mind: Eat healthier, lose 20 lbs, drink less alcohol…you know the drill. But what is going to make 2024 different? What is going to be the motivation that finally propels you to the finish line? It’s that YOU’VE finally found the missing link between healthy eating and success! And I’m going to break it all down right here. Scroll to the end for a special discount offer you’ll only find on EatDrinkLA.
*This post is sponsored by Proulx Prep and Performance, but the opinions belong solely to EatDrinkLA, who only endorse companies they believe in and use themselves.
The Basics of Habit Forming
A habit is formed in a four-step process: cue, craving, response, and reward. When developing a healthy habit such as eating better, the cue is hunger; the craving is — carrot sticks or chicken wings; the response is eating; and the reward is satiety or indigestion. Often, when we get past the reward portion, the brain brings in what I think is the fifth step in habit-forming: the mental monologue of happiness or regret. Step five will help influence your next choices when the process begins all over again.
So it’s not enough to know you have to eat more fruits and vegetables, bulk up the protein, etc. If it doesn’t taste as good as the burgers and fries you’re replacing – you’re not going to do it regularly. That little light needs to turn on in your brain that says, “This is delicious NOW,” not “This suffering will be worth it next week when I weigh myself. That’s where gourmet meal prep company PrepXPerformance from Chef Matthew Proulx comes in.
What Makes PrepXPerformance Different
Almost everyone will lose weight at the beginning of a meal prep program, but PrepXPerformance is about the long term. The company is designed for “fitness, health, and diet sustainability,” and that last word is key. The meals are not calorie deficient where you’re basically running on willpower and wilted broccoli. Rather, they are healthy portions made with quality ingredients that hover around 500 calories and are absolutely delicious.

Meet Chef Proulx
Chef Matthew Proulx is more than just a classically trained chef; he’s also an NASM-certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. All the elements in his cooking are designed to be the building blocks of a healthy lifestyle that will fuel your body toward its greatest self. If you’re familiar with the phrase, “Abs are made in the kitchen,” then you know it takes more than situps to really see results.
Chef Proulx’s goal is to “fuel people’s lifestyle to help them achieve their fitness (or non-fitness) related goals.” You don’t need to prescribe to any specific diet or exercise plan and he has countless stories of meal prep clients who have lost over 50 lbs and run marathons and more after following this weekly way of eating.
How Does it Work?
PrepXPerformance is not about roping you into email chains and memberships that you have to remember to cancel – it’s about personalizing what you need in YOUR life.
A new menu debuts every week at 9 a.m., and food is prepared every Saturday for delivery or pickup on Sunday. It arrives fresh, not frozen, and you can order any quantity you want – no limits or meal plan quotas to meet here! The food stays fresh for a week without the use of preservatives, and all the ingredients are fresh and local.
You can choose everything from Breakfast to Dessert and even à la carte items like Cooked Protein to have at the ready.

Begin by making your Meal Choices which also include a comments section where you can make modifications before adding it to your cart.
The Nutritional Information is available in an easy-to-read format, broken down for you in a Macro Chart, so you know exactly what you’re eating and can follow a prescribed diet if you choose.

Next, you’ll Checkout and create an account for future ordering – but there are no contracts or minimum orders. You seriously can just order a side of Broccoli and call it a day if that’s all you need. Choose if you want Delivery or Pickup, and that is it! Hand Delivery is available all over Los Angeles, and it’s FREE with an order of $150 or more with the code FREE_DOORDROP.
The average price of an Entrée Special is between $12 and $14 dollars, but you can get them for $11 if you order a Meal Pack, which comes in numbers of 7, 14, and 21. Free Delivery would be triggered with the 14-meal pack ($154).

A Sample Day in the Life
Since the menu changes weekly, this is just a snapshot of what you can expect to experience. The meals are interchangeable, so you can organize them any way you wish.
Often, skipping breakfast in a meal plan feels like a good place to cut costs, but then you could be sacrificing on satiety – and in this case, you’ll be skimping on taste. Imagine starting your day with deliciously savory Steak and Eggs or Three Breakfast Tacos served on Keto tortillas with turkey sausage. The Hot Sauce is also so delicious that you’ll be saving any last drips to use with lunch.

Speaking of the midday munchies, how does a Bison Burger topped with Teriyaki Sauce sound to you? It’s got zero added sugar and still tastes amazingly sweet. It’s served with Brown Rice and Zucchini.

The Beet and Burrata Salad is also delectable, and you can choose to add any Protein of your choice if you’d like to increase that – although even as is, you’ll find 22 grams.

When dinner comes around, a Tuscan Salmon or Panko Halibut will fuel you toward the finish line.

As for Dessert, there’s a decadent Banana Pudding as well as a seasonal Pumpkin Cheesecake. While you might be thinking that dessert is the last thing you want on a “diet,” it’s a reminder that this is a lifestyle, not a quick fix, and that everything in moderation is ok.

You might even find that it takes you a week to eat the desserts because you’re having just enough to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Getting Started with PrepXPerformance
Head to the website and place your order anytime between 9 a.m. on Monday and Friday at Midnight. The food is cooked fresh on Saturday for a Sunday delivery or pickup. The process is as easy as eating healthy should be!
Don’t forget to use FREE_DOORDROP for FREE Delivery when you order more than $150 and EATCLEAN15 for 15% off any order!!

Hey Caroline,
I found you on pinterest and loved your pins.
This is such a wholesome article. I struggled with mindful eating myself in the past and I know having a good food delivery service to count on when you are trying to eat healthy is a relief.
Those dishes looks fabulous too.
Thanks for sharing.
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